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E-learning and education


The e-learning is a method of teaching methods in the delivery of information to the learner is the use of communication mechanisms of modern computers and networks, and multimedia of sound and picture, graphics, electronic libraries, as well as Internet portals, whether remotely or in the classroom; any use of technology in all types of networked Web in the delivery of information to the learner the shortest time and with less effort and greater interest

Age range
5 - 55
Huda Alshamsi
Project stage
In progress
Last update
12 years ago
5 stars
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Objectives of the project:

1 - to contribute to enhancing the practice of self-learning.

2 - Employment Project tools of information technology in learning and education.

3 - provide a cure for some of the problems faced by the learning for students

Educational site i made it  with a company specialized e-learning.
Training Center fingerprints and promising.

If you want more information, please visit the site and do not forget to write to me in the guestbook


- Results of the project according to performance indicators
1 - deepening the application of self-education among the students, helping to inspire confidence in the same student.
2 - Increasing the level of achievement for students. And high rates of the arithmetic average of 73% to 88%
3 - Development of creative thinking skills in students and to reduce the method of memorization.
4 - the production and creation of PowerPoint presentations and educational videos to deepen scientific concepts in mathematics to the students.
5 - flexibility in the presentation of information is added as new ideas and different changes through software updates.
6 - project contributed to problems in the treatment of some of the educational application of the project can be one of the factors that eliminate tuition for students of women with low achievement.
7 - enjoy the female share of mathematics, has become a fun and interesting, and keen students to persevere in the use of modern technologies
8 - respect for the students of the time allotted to perform the exercises.


My first World Education Forum in Dubai offer .. And presented a paper titled: The Impact of the use of technology in classroom interaction ", which was the mark for the first my achievements in the field of e-learning.


My second at the World Education Forum in Dubai to offer in 2010 .. And presented a paper titled: "Teaching Mathematics in the era of technical" to which he added me as a teacher of excellence in performance.


My participation with the UAE University in Education Technology Conference. Conducted a workshop in the use of electronic working papers.


Received an award of excellence in the field of digital teacher, of Khalifa Award for Education.

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