· Greetings to our world
Greetings to our nation
Greetings to heaven above
Greetings by the new generation.
· Hello, Salut, Konnichiwa
Aahoi, Salve, Namaste
So many languages
Still the world stays united
People vary in ages
But the love will never end.
· Greetings to our world
Greetings to our nation
Greetings to heaven above
Greetings by the new generation
· Ciao, Ola, Saluton
Barev, Alo, Do-brien-dien
Time has changed
Rules been made
But they couldn’t break
The care and the give and take
A spree of despair
Distant from the pink curve
All you need to serve
A sweet greet, a lil’ care
Greetings to our world
Greetings to our nation
Greetings to heaven above
Greetings by the new generation
· Chairete, Nin hao, Shalom
Labes, Merhebe, Kamuste
Festivals occasions or celebrations
Welcome to this wonderful nation
Family, friends or relatives
Share some memories
As the greetings are everywhere
To everyone in this sphere.
Hulla, Bonjour, Zdravo
Hi, Swasdi, Buenos- Dias
Greetings to our world
Greetings to our nation
Greetings to heaven above
Greetings by the new generation
Greetings to children
Greetings to aged
Greetings to parents
Greetings by BBPS - 3
So much pain you took for me,
With so much love you nurtured me,
So little a tot I was, I didn’t know;
Today I stand on my feet because of you.
You are the reason for the power in me,
You are the soldier who stood with me,
I stand today ,
At the heights, to see how lovely you made it to be,
The best in the world, by the best parents.
The best parents, like all of them be,
Like heaven, that is, so pleasing to see,
Like heaven, that is, so pleasing to meet,
So all I can say is, thank you parents,
For all I can do is to thank you parents,
For all I can see, is the beauty in your eyes,
For all I can have is the purest of the minds.
With emotions that flow,
as freely as the winds,
I have so much to tell you parents.
How I felt when you made me stand,
when you took me by my hand.
I could see that smile on your face,
when I glistened with pleasure of all kinds.
Love can’t be defined,
I fathomed that, when I found you there,
in every phase of my life;
So all I can say is, thank you parents,
For all I can do, is thank you parents,
For all I can see, is the beauty in your eyes,
For all I can have is the purest of the minds. Anushka Singh X-C