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Most secondary projects are developed teacher to teacher, so search through the teachers seeking partners, or through the projects for the age group you teach.

Like you, most teachers are flexible, but within the secondary curriculum both teachers need to have a chance to plan and position their project work.

Use forum days to lead up to the project, posting questions and frames of reference (websites you are using, programme of study you are following).

This will keep both schools interested until you start a project, without taking too much time or planning.

A project can consist of one simple exchange of work, and then a follow-up forum discussion.

Forums are not live (they can be). One class can put up a bunch of posts one week, and another the next.

Use the site for more details, guidance and examples as you need them.

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Secondary drop-in forum

Leave comments here or ask for suggested projects to join.

Please note that postings to this forum are checked by an administrator before they go live on the system. It may take some time for any postings you make to appear within the forum.

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We look for friends in other countries,posible partnerships
17 years ago
Ovidiu Bocsa
Dear Friends: We are teachers and pupils from the secondary school "I.P,Reteganul"-Reteag,BN,Romania and look for any friends to share from our experience,corresponding,mutual sendings of media ,ppt,jpg,asf,gif etc.We are open for any interesting projects,ww co-operation and partnerships.AS new-comers on e-learning ,we have less experience to build an international project but we have pretty media materials -including clips or fragments from our English classes ,different activities,folk ,dances and songs,stories etc.Some materials (.asf )are bigger than 10M.Enjoying literaure,storytelling,legends,nature,cultural exchanging a.s.o.,we hope to find some affinities with teachers and pupils from other countries.Best regards and wishes.Teacher:Ovidiu Bocsa

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