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>Scottish Learning Festival - British Council Study Tour

Scottish Learning Festival - British Council Study Tour


This draws together the resources and links for the British Council Study Tour to the Scottish Learning Festival, which took place in September 2007.

Age range
18 - 80
Nils Tomes
Project stage
In progress
Last update
18 years ago
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Welcome to the resource site for the British Council Study Tour, around the Scottish Learning Festival. Here you will find links to policy documents, presentations and resources connected with the Study Tour and a place to add your own links, photos and comments.


Speakers from the ministry and key agencies gave an overview of the Scottish Education system and how ICT is developing.

Jeff Maguire - Scottish Government Education Directorate
Nick Morgan - Learning & Teaching Scotland
Kay Livingstone - Learning & Teaching Scotland

Links and resources

During the Study Tour, a number of resources have been recommended as background reading for those with an interest in specific themes.

Education is a matter devolved by Westminster to the Scottish parliament. This means that both primary and secondary legislation relating to education in Scotland is made in Edinburgh.
Her Majesty's Inspectorate oversee the quality of learning and teaching in Scottish schools.
The inspection framework is based on the self-review of schools and ICT development is reviewed within the context of the school's overall learning & teaching plan.
The Scottish education system is organised a little differently from other parts of the UK and has a long history as a distinct education system. Based on seven years of primary education and four-to-six years of secondary education, the Scottish system is well known as offering a broadly based education which delivers 50% participation rates in further and higher education.

School visits

We visited a number of schools which showed different examples of innovation with ICT. They aimed to integrate ICT within learning and teaching as part of a whole-school approach.


The delegation stayed in central Glasgow, within easy reach of the study tour venues.

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