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>Tell me your story

Tell me your story


Our project will do the following things:- a) Development of literary traditions. b) Links between school and work. c) Media studies. DETAILS OF WORK TO BE DONE AND TIMETABLE. Wade Deacon High School. September 2008 Year 11( 230 pupils) The whole year group will write about their work experience that they all undertook in the summer term. They will describe what they did, where the work experience took place and their feelings about the experience. They will use publishing software to organise their results and include, if possible a picture of them at work. These will be sent to Ghana. Pupils at St Cyprians school, under the direction of Mr DESMOND OWUSU will choose from three topics. A) Typical Meals . With the aid of disposable camera that Wade Deacon will supply they will photograph a typical meal . Along with the photograph they will give details of the ingredience and how to cook the meal. B) After School Work With the aid of a disposable camera they will take a photograph of themselves at work. Along with the photograph they will give a detailed description of what type of job they are doing. C) Agricultural Management. St Cyprians has a strong vocational element to their curriculum and this option will allow those pupils who do not have after school jobs to talk about when they plant their crops and how they manage them. How and when the crops are harvested etc. Again a photograph will accompany the written explanation where possible. These writings will be sent to Wade Deacon. Wade Deacon Year 7 Pupils Autumn Term 2008. The whole year group ( 230) will be involved, as part of their English course, to produce a piece of creative writing that makes use of suspense. These stories will be collected together into three groups ( Red, Blue and Green) with 10 separate stories in each group. Within each group the stories will reflect the different reading ages that we know our pupils have. Once the stories have been written pupils will publish them using publishing software and the stories sent to Ghana. SCHOOL DAY Starting in the Autumn Term 2008 St Cyprian's school will map their school day. When lessons start , what they learn , lunch times etc.

Age range
11 - 16
Louise McPartland
Project stage
In progress
Last update
16 years ago
5 stars
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This project will compare the school day at Wade Deacon and St Cyprians.

International Committee

Wade Deacon have set up an International Committee of pupils to coordinate our link with St Cyprian's School, Ghana


Wade Deacon pupils will write about their experience of work . Pupils in Ghana will write about their part time jobs and farming. There will be opportunity to talk about safety in the work place, minimum wage and child labour.


This will have performances by Wade Deacon African Drum Ensemble and Choir.


This will show case work done in the Art Depts influenced by African themes.

Year 7 Story writing

Year 7 pupils have been writing stories in Autumn Term 2008 to send to pupils in Ghana. Go to Sc Fi Stories below to open a story.

Sc Fi Story

folder iconSc Fi Stories

objects: 6
Year 7 have been writing stories to send to St Cyprian's school because they have very few library books. These are just a few of many stories. They will be laminated duplicated and bound into books before being sent off.
Image By Lucy Part 2 416.6 kB
Image By Lucy Part 1 287.3 kB
Image tbc 273.5 kB
Image By Amber Part 2 272.5 kB
Image By Amber 604.8 kB
Image By Christina 534.8 kB

Library Books

As well as doing their own creative writing pupils are looking at ways to send Library Books to St Cyprian's School to improve their reading resources.

Mr Robinson , Michael and Demi prepare a pack of books for St Cyprian's School Library.

Typical Meals

These are stories sent to us from pupils at St Cyprian's school about the kinds of meals they cook.

Microsoft Word fileTUO.doc 25.5 kB

Typical English meals

These are some of the pupils in Year 10 making meals that we like in England. We are used to many types of cooking and these meals include Indian,and Italian recipes.

After School Work

These show what kind of a life pupils have in Ghana.

Agricultural Management

How St Cyprian's pupils plant their crops and manage them.

New World Project

You are ship wreaked on a desert Island but you have radio communication with the Wade Deacon pupils on another island. If you can solve the puzzle and tell the Wade Deacon survivors the correct answer they need ,they will send you planks of wood to make a raft with and you might escape!

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