'The things that we share in our world are far more valuable than those which divide us.' Donald Williams, Astronaut, USA When you view the earth from space you can’t see any borders or separate countries, just one home. If you had the chance to view our planet from space, how would it change your understanding of life on Earth? We are the first generation to be able to trace back our history to the big bang 13.7 billion years ago Every element in your body was created by exploding stars billions of years ago. Therefore, every human being that there ever was and ever will be is made from the stars. Scientists generally agree that the human race originated in Africa 200,000 years ago. If someone asks you ‘how old are you’ or ‘where are you from?’ what would you say? Imagine if all the borders between countries were taken away and we all lived in one global state. How would this change your life? How would it change the lives of the global population?
General resources to get your school started in developing a global dimension.
The following projects are to enable students to explore and share ideas using ICT.