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>Global Messenger

Global Messenger


'The things that we share in our world are far more valuable than those which divide us.' Donald Williams, Astronaut, USA When you view the earth from space you can’t see any borders or separate countries, just one home. If you had the chance to view our planet from space, how would it change your understanding of life on Earth? We are the first generation to be able to trace back our history to the big bang 13.7 billion years ago Every element in your body was created by exploding stars billions of years ago. Therefore, every human being that there ever was and ever will be is made from the stars. Scientists generally agree that the human race originated in Africa 200,000 years ago. If someone asks you ‘how old are you’ or ‘where are you from?’ what would you say? Imagine if all the borders between countries were taken away and we all lived in one global state. How would this change your life? How would it change the lives of the global population?

Age range
8 - 12
Alex Savage
Project stage
In progress
Last update
13 years ago
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An Introduction to Global Learning

General resources to get your school started in developing a global dimension.

folder iconWhy teach Global Citizenship?

objects: 4
Information on why and how to teach global citizenship
Microsoft PowerPoint Keep IT Real 3.3 MB
Link Broaden Your Virtual Horizons, TES Article
Link Global Curriculum Guide, Oxfam
Link Giving ICT a Global Dimension

folder iconIntro to Global Citizenship Resources

objects: 4
Downloadable videos and activities
Link Global Worksheet.doc
Link The Journey, Flash Video
Link Reflections from Space, Flash Video
Link Global Wombat Flash Video

folder iconAssembly or Wall Display Presentations

objects: 4
presentations to show or print off as wall displays
Microsoft PowerPoint water display.ppt 554.5 kB
Microsoft PowerPoint peacemakers.ppt 508.5 kB
Microsoft PowerPoint conflict.ppt 606.5 kB
Microsoft PowerPoint spacequotes.ppt 928.5 kB

Global ICT Collaboration Projects

The following projects are to enable students to explore and share ideas using ICT.

folder iconMy School Emotions Tree

objects: 1
A project that enables students to explore and share their emotions in different school situtations.
Link My Emotions Tree lesson plans

folder iconInternational Day of Peace 21_9

objects: 1
Lesson plans and activities to mark the international day of peace and introduce the theme of peace and conflict resolution.
Link Peace One Day teaching resources

folder iconGlobal Survey Resources

objects: 2
Links to lesson plans, teacher demos and activities.
Link Global Youth Survey
Link Global Youth Survey Lesson Plans

folder iconA Right to Learn

objects: 1
A project to enable students to learn about the right to education and what helps them to learn better.
Link Right to learn Resources

folder iconWater for Life ICT Project

objects: 1
Teaching resources on the theme of water.
Link Water Lesson Plans

folder iconUN Millenium Development Goals

objects: 1
Resources to explore the issues of the UN MDGs
Link UN MDG resources

folder iconNorfolk Resources

objects: 2
Resources and Projects in Norfolk, UK
Link Ariège - Norfolk Etwin Project
Link Norfolk Education For Action and Development, NEAD

folder iconExternal Links

objects: 6
Links to other Global Education Websites.
Link BBC Newsround
Link World Factbook
Link Global Gateway
Link UN Cyber Schoolbus
Link Cool Planet, Oxfam
Link Global Dimension

Other Media