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>Rich River Poor River

Rich River Poor River


Each country have many rivers, and most of the people depend on it. River ecosystem degradation was primarily caused by lack of awareness of the community to the important of the river as sources of freshwater for human and habitats for hundreds of species in it. The aim of this project is to research flora and fauna on river and water quality.

Age range
16 - 18
Syamsuddin Syamsuddin
Project stage
In progress
Last update
16 years ago
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Searching Literature

Student should find more details about the characteristics of good river through internet or library.

Define the Characteristics of Good River

Teacher discuss to define the characteristics of good river.

Collecting Data: Biodiversity and Water Quality

Each student groups observe their own river: physical condition of river and river bank, biodiversity, and water quality. Observing organisms diversity including: diversity of insect on the river bank, diversity of plants on the river bank. To observe water quality be used macroinvertebrata as bioindicator.

Data Analysis

Groups of Student analysis Data that be collected.

Exchange: The Results of Data Analysis

Groups of Student exchange the result of data and analys each others.


Group of student should give comment, advice, and propose to improve river condition other group.

Link to other resources

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