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>The legend I love the most, what about you?

The legend I love the most, what about you?


There are many legends either in Indonesia or in other countries in the world.In Indonesia, we have Sangkuriang from West Java,Malin Kundang from Sumatera, Joko Seger and Roro Anteng from East Java and many others.

Age range
10 - 16
Munawaroh Munawaroh
Project stage
In progress
Last update
16 years ago
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Let's search legends in our own countries!

Each partner school must search several ledends that have happened in their counties. We can get those information either from our school library or from other resources.

This is Prambanan Temple today. Unfortunately, some small temples around it are destroyed by eartquake happened in Jogyakarta three years ago.
The Legend of Prambanan Temple

Prambanan is one of many temples Indonesia have. It is located in Magelang Central Java. Many tourists either domestic or foreign like visiting Prambanan Temple. Prambanan Temple happened thousand years ago. Here is the legend.

Once upon a time, there was a wise king in Central Java, he was King Boko. King Boko had a beautiful daughter, named Roro Jonggrang. She lived happily with her father even though her mother was died.
After a few years, King Boko found a good young man. He was a prince from neighbor kingdom. He said to Roro Jonggrang ;” I have found a good young man to be your husband later. He can protect you from any danger. He is a good prince from our neighbor kingdom.What do you think?” Roro Jonggrang shook her head and agreed with her father proposed. They prepared to have a big party in the castle to celebrate Roro Jonggrang wedding. They planned to invite all his people allover his kingdom.
On the other place, there was a cruel king - Bandung Bondowoso. All the people in his kingdom were very afraid of him. He always brought his long sword where ever he went. He killed anyone who argued him He was very angry hearing the news that Roro Jonggrang would marry to someone else. ”Roro Jonggrang will never marry except to me!” I will kill anybody who will marry to her.” He said.
Then he went to King Boko to propose Roro Jonggrang to be his wife. King Boko told him that she would marry with someone else. As a king he would never deny what he had said. “ I don’t care what ever you have said. Roro Jonggrang will never marry to someone else, except me!, if you don’t hear me, I will ….” Then he took his sword out and stuck it into King Boko’s chase. He died instantly.
Hi, Jonggrang! Now no one protects you from me. I am the only one who will protect you in your life, because I am going to be your husband”. Never! Never! I will never marry with someone who killed my father”. ! Jonggrang! Listen to me, if you won’t marry with me, I will treat you like I did to your father!” he said. “I give you one night to think about it” .
Now, Roro Jonggrang was in a big problem. After her father’s death, all her people are afraid to Bandung Bondowoso. No one could help her.
Morning came, Bandung Bondowoso asked Jonggrang’s replay. Jonggrang answered” Ok, I will marry with you with one request.” “All right, what ever you want I will grant it. Tell me now!” he said. She said “I will marry with you if you can make me a beautiful castle with a thousand temples in it in one night. You must finish it before the sun shines!”. Bandung Bondowoso received what Jonggrang asked
With his magic power, he worked all night to grant Jonggrang’s request. The work was almost finished. He hade made a castle and 999 temples. But suddenly, he heard cocks crow, the villagers beat the rice grinder the sign that the morning came. Bandung was very upset. “Jonggrang! you deceit me! I’ll kill you. You must be my thousandth temple!”. With his magic power, he changed her to be a statue near the 999 temples. Roro Jonggrang became a statue. Bandung thought that his life was useless without Roro Jonggrang, and he killed himself.
This is Prambanan in the morning scene

Act it in your class!

Each partner school perform a role play based on their partner school in the class room by involving the students.

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