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>Chain Stories

Chain Stories


Young students, in their first year of language learning, can enjoy creative writing in their mother tongue. They then pass on their story to other schools, within a chain, for completion. European Union funded education project. The project is for schools using the Romance languages; French, Italian, Romanian, Portuguese, Spanish.

Age range
7 - 11
Joel Josephson
Project stage
In progress
Last update
15 years ago
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Chain Stories - European Union Language Project

Recruiting partner schools

The project has completed its piloting stage and is now actively looking for schools that use one of the project languages to get involved: Schools should use either:

  • French
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Spanish
  • as their native language.

    news icon Results of the Pilot

    stories: 3
    The first pilot has taken place with amazing results:
    Italian teacher said:
    I’m really surprised with the interest and the engagement of the children to an activity so complex as this one.
    French students said:
    I think that it was completely great, very funny
    A Portuguese teacher said:
    I’m convinced that this project is adequate for the development of linguistic competencies

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