Watch your environment and identify what kind of waste there.
Grouping the waste ( plastic, rubber, etc )
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Waste in my environtment
Please, discuss with us :
1. What kind of waste can be recycling
2. What will you do with waste for saving world ?
3. Do you have idea for the waste art creativities ?
HVB Academy
Quiz on Waste Disposal and its Management
1. _______________ is a strong greenhouse gas which contributes to global warming
a. oxygen b. Methane c.Nitrogen
2. Name the 3 R’s
a. _________ b.____________ c.______
3. _____________ is the most common method of disposal of waste in most countries.
a. Landfill b. incineration c.sewage
4. ____________ millions of tons is generated annually in Germany.
a.3.5 b.1.5 c.2.5
5. ____________ can be decomposed easily
a. Non-biodegradable b. Biodegradable
6. ___________ produces CO2 and other pollutants.
7. Two organizations which help inwaste4 disposal ate ________ and ____________.
a. ________________ b. __________________
8. The more _______ we generate the more we have to dispose.
9. The 4 main sources of waste generation are
a. ___________ b._____________ c.__________ d.___________
10. ________ Millions tons of waste generates in America.
11. In Germany _______ tons of waste is generated from household.
12. __________ government is generating fuel from solid waste burning.