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>Sharing resources for teaching languages

Sharing resources for teaching languages


The idea is to use resources from our own classrooms to share with classes in other countries. These could include word documents, photos, children's work, or video, formatted to be used as a teaching aid in another country. I thought it would be good to start with the school day, timetables and school subjects, but then to have folders for different curriculum areas as well. We have been asked for resources from our school to help teach various subjects and as we respond I will add separate projects for each area and link them off this page.

Age range
4 - 12
Judy Skelton
Project stage
In progress
Last update
14 years ago
4.5 stars
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Project update

The idea of the project ‘Sharing resources for teaching languages’ was to establish a community of teachers from around the world who wanted to work together specifically to help teach each other’s languages. It has been exciting getting to know so many of you and of course the project is still open and we would love more countries and more languages to be represented. As teachers have contributed and shared resources and ideas, new projects and different ideas have emerged. I thought it would be a good idea to start to move resources out of this area and into new, more specific projects which could be linked off this page. This page will eventually become the index for all the other projects and the mailing list and means of letting people know about new language projects within the family of projects. We have started some projects which are intended to give resources and cultural context for teachers to teach about specific things such as animals, school, or school dinners. These projects are essentially for teachers to share ideas and resources which can be used in class. Other projects are more suitable to be browsed directly by the children, such as vocabulary pictures in more than one language or the hello page project. Finally, there are projects where teachers of a language from many different countries can share ideas and resources with each other, and where eventually maybe children learning the same language from many countries can talk to each other. Please do contribute a section in your own language, or contact me for more information,

Original project description

If you would like to share ideas for moving this project forward, please contribute to the discussion or else contact me directly.

To use things which are readily available in our own languages to provide authentic materials for schools in other countries.

I am interested in linking language learning to cultural understanding and to other curriculum areas.

The children can use the opportunity to create resources in their own language in Literacy, art, or ICT lessons and then use the resources generated in other countries in their language lessons.

To get the project going, maybe teachers would like to upload some things from their classrooms and then they will hopefully have materials to show their classes and use quickly. Once the children have seen the resources created in other countries, then they will have ideas of things they would like to share with children from overseas.

Ideas would be to photograph or film display, text books, children's work, classrooms... and to give appropriate captions or sound in your own language for use in other countries to see what school life is like in different countries.


Ideas and Resources from English speaking countries

Let's use this area to explore possible things that we could exchange with each other and which may subsequently be suitable for projects of their own.

The School Day

To look at the school day and the subjects that are taught in different countries. We can also compare the time of day we start and finish and how the day is organised.

A good starting point might be to compare our timetables and look at the subjects which are taught in our schools.

A timetable is very quick to upload and gives us all something to use straight away and to talk about with our pupils.

This work has now been moved to a project of its own.


In England there are several websites which teachers use to print out material for their classrooms. These could be great for teaching English as well. Can you recommend something similar from your country?

Classroom teachers often print display resources from internet sites. Try this one for English display for your classroom. Can anyone add sites in other languages?

There is a website in England where teachers can download programmes showing teaching in different subject areas. This might be very helpful to teachers of English elsewhere in the world. You would be able to see what classrooms in the UK look like and hear authentic vocabulary for that subject area. It would also enable you to compare teaching methods.

I put in a search for numeracy and this is the page for clips about teaching numbers and algebra.

English Websites used by primary school teachers

Websites used by primary teachers for teaching English.

Please share any websites that you use for teaching English.

Websites for pupils or for class teaching

An area where we can share websites used for teaching other subject areas in our own language which might be useful to language teachers in other countries.

Websites for teaching English

The Classroom Walls

Lots of the things which our children create and which we display on the walls could be useful for teachers in other countries for teaching language and also for seeing what classrooms look like in other countries. We could either photograph display with captions, or film it with a commentary.

This is a powerpoint of work done recently by our children. Could it help you to teach parts of the body in English to your pupils?
Compressed zip fileThe 606.5 kB

folder iconFilm of English classroom display

objects: 2
The display on our classroom walls is often intended to help our own children to learn, why not use it to help children around the world to learn as well.
Pagetext This is a... 26-06-2009
Activity Film 26-06-2009
This folder is now closed for new submissions
The times tables are displayed on the classroom walls. I have read the 2 x table and then read the 3 x table backwards as division sums.
This is a display to demonstrate how much puntuation the children need to be able to use correctly at the different levels, as they progress in their writing. My apologies for hesitation and mistakes as I tried to read and film.
Learning about healthy eating has been important in English schools recently and this is a display of fruit and vegetables made around a poster.

Ideas and Resources from France

Nos collègues français sont invités à contribuer des idées et des ressources qui pourraient éventuellement former des projets nouveaux.

Ecrire des histoires d'animaux en français Writing animal stories in any language.

Les élèves écrivent des histoires d'animaux en français en s'inspirant de l'album d'Eric Carle Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see ? que les enfants ont étudié en Anglais. Les histoires produites par deux, seront illustrées. L'idéal serait d'y ajouter une bande son. Des histoires semblables peuvent voir le jour dans d'autres langues. Children are writing stories in French, inspired by Eric Carle's book, Brown bear, brown bear what do you see ? They're working in pairs and they'll illustrate their stories. Ideally, we can add a recording. This could be done in any language and use in a class as a resource for teaching.

French Websites used by classroom teachers

Websites which may help teachers of French across the world to teach using authentic materials designed for the French classroom.

A useful site recommended by Isabelle Haguet is la Maternelle de Moustache
Also from Isabelle, La Petite Souris, a website for teachers in France teaching primary aged children. is a very useful website where you can find popular French rhymes and songs. Some of them are recorded.

Ideas and Resources from Spain

Spanish schools are invited to share with the world things from their schools which may be useful for teaching Spanish.

Resources for teaching Spanish from Northwood Primary School.


The picture above links to some resources I made to help my children (aged 9-10)  to learn Spanish.


Ideas and Resources from Croatia

Please add to this section. Which languages are spoken and taught in Croatia?

Timetable idea

Ksenija had the good idea of making a picture template for timetables which schools could use in their own language without the need to translate. There will be subjects that differ from country to country, so we may need some more pictures.


Ideas and Resources from India

Contributions from our Indian colleagues which will help to define this language teaching project.

shared resources for teaching English

secondary materials for teaching English from India


Ideas and Resources from Lebanon

Some lovely ideas for teaching English which could also be used by teachers teaching other languages.

Shared resources for teaching English

Rawya Shatila has shared this lovely movie showing children learning English vowels

spelling lesson: grade two

Description and slides of a lovely activity linked to school blog.

Young Authors

Websites from around the world for teaching English

English as a second language websites

folder iconWebsites for Teaching English

objects: 4

forum iconUser forum

messages: 2 | pending: 0

A new project for teachers worldwide to share ideas for teaching English

An opportunity to discuss an idea for a new project suggested by Namita's resources

Thanks for your kind suggestion Judy
15 years ago
As Judy has suggested me a new project can be started to share resources for English Teaching. Its really an innovative idea.
[ ]
Re: Thanks for your kind suggestion Judy
15 years ago
I have been enjoying looking at the websites posted for teaching English. It is so exciting to be able to compare and share the resources that we are using. Thank you.
Other projects to share resources in many languages.

Dual Language Projects

Links to other projects for teaching language relating to specific topics
I have added links to 2 other projects which are specifically primary and specifically language based. If you are involved in others that you would like to share, do please add them.
Some of the members of the project have websites which are a wonderful way of sharing authentic language and experience. I have copied one or two, if you would like to add yours, please do so.
Home pages can also be a good starting point
A link for teachers of English to a project in the Middle East

Other Media