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>Écoute - The Sound of my school

Écoute - The Sound of my school


The children at our school would love the opportunity to practice the French they have been learning. They would like to record the sounds of their school day and compare them to the sounds of other French speaking schools around the world. The project could begin by the children recording a greeting, in French, containing information about themselves and their school. French speaking schools could reply to this in English or French. The children have also said they would like to hear other the sounds of other school's days. They have suggested this could be singing, class lessons, playtime, P.E, Games etc. Through this we hope the children will get a feeling about what school is like in other countries and also practice their French. I hope that other French speaking schools will be able to practice their English and learn a little about life in English schools. The project could move onto written work, perhaps picutres and poems could be contributed. English schools could build up a dialogue between themselves practicing the French they have been learning. We welcome any involvement no matter how large or small.

Age range
5 - 11
Roger Osborne
Project stage
In progress
Last update
16 years ago
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All about me!

In this stage the children record information about themselves and their school in French. This can be written, word processed or recorded. French speaking schools record their information in English. Schools can then listen or read the information from other schools.


Our children have written a small introduction about themselves and their lives in French. They are going to record these introductions and save them onto the project for other participants to listen to. We hope you will join in the fun!

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