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Connecting Classrooms - Chinese Bridge for UK Schools

Discuss issues about the Connecting Classrooms - Chinese Bridge for UK Schools

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China visit in May 2009
16 years ago
The visit to China was an amazing experience - particularly visitng the schools in Guiyang. I have visited schools in many countries but have never seen anything like the enthusiasm and aspiration shown in Chinese teachers and students. How can we possibly motivate our students to reach these levels?
China visit May 2009
16 years ago
Since the return from the Headteachers' trip to China, have you had any communication with your partner schools?
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Re: China visit May 2009
16 years ago
I heard from Jack Xiang in connection with immersion visits yesterday. He was dealing with all the swine flu problems last summer.
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Re: China visit May 2009
16 years ago
Yes - We e-mail eachother approximately once per month. Just informal e-mails between Head Teachers sharing what we are doing in our schools.
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Welcome to England!
16 years ago

Welcome to Corfe Hills School!

We hope you enjoy visitng our country.

How have you found it so far?



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