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>Famous Landmarks

Famous Landmarks


To investigate different landmarks in the world To find out what locals think about their famous landmarks

Age range
7 - 11
Rachel Payne
Project stage
In progress
Last update
15 years ago
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folder iconAsia

objects: 0
Famous landmarks found in Asia
Type Name Size Owner Updated
This folder is empty.

folder iconEurope

objects: 1
Famous landmarks found in Europe
Type Name Size Owner Updated
Image eiffel-tower-day[1].jpg 60.0 kB Rachel Payne 09-11-2009

folder iconAfrica

objects: 0
Famous landmarks found in Africa
Type Name Size Owner Updated
This folder is empty.

folder iconAmerica

objects: 0
Famous landmarks found in America
This folder is empty.

folder iconAustralasia

objects: 0
Famous landmarks found in Australasia
Type Name Size Owner Updated
This folder is empty.

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