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One Day One World

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one day, one world
15 years ago

I think that this project was was enjoyable in both writing and reading. Some of the images posted by other schools were very different to the ones posted by our school. It was good to see the contrast between the two contries.

Our favourite text was As Ever by Sonu Boora. I found this very enlighting, we were suprised by the grammar used, because we perceive most contries to be poorer than ours with poor education standards.

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One Day One World
15 years ago
Poppy and Meagan

After reading this project, i feel i have a clearer picture of India, its surroundings, and what life is like there for many people. I have never experienced the indian culture, however reading these articles has given me an inside look into India and i would like to go one day.

I really enjoyed the images used as they helped me to realise what India is like. It looks like a beautiful place and the descriptions used helped me to create a sense of India.

Thank you for posting your work on to here as i really enjoyed reading them and learning more about a different culture other to my own.

I hope you enjoyed reading ours.

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One Day One World
15 years ago
Rachel and Jessica

Thank you for posting your pictures of your school in India. It is very interesting to see that you are surrounded by lots of nature and wildlife. Even though I know that India has many different species of animals, in the "Things We feel attached to" piece of writing I was surprised to read that you go outside to learn, and you can hear monkeys and see peacocks roaming around freely. I wish that it was as warm in England as it is in India so that we could go outside more often, however it is usually raining and too cold to stay outside.  I hope that you continue to send pictures as it would give us a better view of your school. 

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One day one world
15 years ago
Lucie & Helen

I think this project is good because it gives people around the world experience through writing what its like in other countries and how life is different. We like to look at the pictures to see the differences to where we live.

We read 'As ever.......' about life in a hostel with no parents, the writing creates a very good picture of what it is like and gives us an insight about how other young people live around the world.     

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What i observe..
15 years ago
danny and markus

Dear Kirti,

           I enjoyed reading your piece about your culture. I now know that our countries are very similar with our school life. And i agree that watching your favourite program is rather good. what do you like to watch on the T.V? My favourite program is the simpsons. I also think that vaccations are amazing! And school is realy bad.


Yours Sincerly

Danny and Markus

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