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How to reinforce classroom discipline?

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Dimensional Theory
15 years ago
Start with Five Dimensions of Education,first dimension is informative,that is Language,History,Geography etc.and the second is Science based upon facts and logic,Third the art and creativeness which shows the creation of looks in students ,the fourth is answering,assessment and analyzing the concept and the last fifth is student life which a student leads and attempts to highlight that he is a student.And as well as the discipline is concerned ,i get the student in radius of subject and get Three dimensions framing a Triangle which is the Parents at first,the teacher on the second and the society around him is at third.All three dimensions are stressing him to be disciplined and to get their expectation fulfilled soon.Their expectations are high and stress is more on height to the student.He should and he ought to be disciplined but at what and how.To reinforce discipline in classroom what is to do by the teacher as same the way he lives in house and in society.As i feel the toughness and softness should be in proportions.The percentage of toughness should not be so high that a student feel stressed and shouldn't be so less that he goes out of reach ,in the same way,the softness shouldn't be so high,that it makes damages and shouldn't be so less that it creates anger-some.In my view,the teacher,parents and society should first create discipline in itself then afterwards can be expected from students.A teacher ,a parent has got educated thirty years back and now not to be in that time,in past,try to be in present and give bright future to the next generation.
The Well-Managed classroom
15 years ago

Hi participants, well I will like to the share the information that I've got where you need to manage your classroom inorder to reinforce discipline in your classroom. Our learners experience a lot of skills deficits eg. Aggressive and Antisocial behaviour,Juvenille Deliquency,Child Abuse and Neglect,Mental Health Disorders,Loneliness and Despondency,Learning Disabilities and School and Failure all these deficits are the cause of ill-discipline in their classroom. I will like to introduce life skills curriculum

*  Following instructions

* Accepting Criticism or a Consequence

* Accepting "No" for an  Answer

* Greetings Others

* Getting the Educator's Attention

* Making a Request

* Disagreeing Appropriately

* Giving Criticism

* Resisting Peer Pressure

* Apologising

* Talking with Others

* Giving Compliments

* Accepting Compliments

* Volunteering

* Reporting other learners' behaviour

* Introducing Yourself

If all these liffe skills can implemented, monitored and assessed, and the Praises can follow inorder to shape the process.


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Re: The Well-Managed classroom
15 years ago

Great , you have given the essence of the matter,This all is what a teacher , parents as well in home should do and implement but overall the Psycho of a student matters.Actually we can't implement everything to everyone because of human nature .As the prescription of a doctor for every patient is not same as well the line of treatment to every student cant be same.We are first to understand and study as well the Psycho of student.Your overall views and elements are marvelous.Thanks 

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want to add some ppt
15 years ago

I want to add some ppts related to the indisciplinary body postures in the classrooms while teaching like improper tucking of shirt, slumping of chair, pen/pencil in the mouth, arms around the neck of other students etc.........

I will also add ppt of solutions. Pl. suggest


shalini bhatia



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Discipline problem in teenagers
15 years ago

I came across a book-'Positive Discipline For teenagers' by Jane Nelson and Lynn Lott which has really changed my mindset.

'How To Talk So Teens Will Listen & Listen So Teens Will Talk' by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish is another book for parents though the ideas can be applied to students as well.

These books have helped me build appropriate bridges for my teenage students as well as children !

I am happy to be sharing through your forum.


Poonam Singh

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