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Our Favourites

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Stage one
17 years ago
I thought this would be a nice introduction. The children can get to know each other and by sharing something they like to do at school it puts it into context for them. They then have the chance to be able to compare whether they do the same sorts of things or if not, whether they would like to do those things too.
17 years ago
I'm just waiting to get permission from my parents to upload some of our photos on here. Once that is done I can add photos from our picnic and some of our classroom. What have you covered in your toys topic, would you like to add favourite toys as the next stage?
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17 years ago
Hope to have our teddy bears picnic photos up by the end of the week. Will also scan in some of our drawings of toys. Sorry I've been so slow, last term was hectic with starting children and filming for a film festival we're having, should be much easier to get the project running now.
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Reception Class Photos
17 years ago
Our reception class are 4 and 5 year olds and we study the same topics throughout the year so I thought I would add some of their photos too. Sorry about the size of the second photo, I can't seem to resize it even though I have tried several times!
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new topic?
17 years ago
Hi, what's your next /current topic? Ours is on changes(in weather/seasons/change as we grow/materials etc). Does this fit in with something you are doing? Or shall we try spring?
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17 years ago
If you click Permissions, you can un-tick Public and then only registered teachers could see the page. You can also do this for individual pages within the project. To create a page, click Add and select Page. It might be reassuring for the parents. The plus and minus signs can make the pictures bigger or smaller. How would you like to have up to ten other teachers in this project?? Let me know - click on the name and send me a message!
New topic
17 years ago
Hi, Sorry I have been so inactive on here. Have a new group of children and am all ready to start a new project if you would like. Our topic this half term is colour light and sound. But am open to suggestions...
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Re: New topic
17 years ago
HI good to hear from you! We have also been learning about light and dark/colours. I will think about ideas too. We have a spaceship in imaginative play based on Whatever Next which is very popular. What have you been up to? I really hope we can maintain a project to fruition this time. Keep in touch!
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Re: New topic
17 years ago
Hi Angela, Nice to hear from you again. Just to let you know, Louise Prescott from Mills Pond Elementary School is New York has just registered on eLangauges. You might want to contact her and invite her to join or work on a project with you. You can send her an email by clicking on the ‘send me a message’ link on her hello page. Louise Prescott's hello page Chris
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new comer from Ghana want to join
17 years ago
A small nursery in Accra Ghana just registered on to elanguage

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