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>Indonesian School Partnership Forum

Indonesian School Partnership Forum


Dalam forum ini, ada dapat berbagi ide, pengalaman dan pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan School Partnership di sekolah anda.

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11 years ago
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Bagaimana persiapan ke Luar Negri
16 years ago
Saya berharap agar senior senior yang pernah ke UK khususnya ( Guru Darunnajah )Guru saya mohon memberikan pengalamanya ketika ngajar di kelas. kendalanya ?
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16 years ago
d There are many knowledge and imfarnotion I got from I hope mas Medhy Aginta will keep this way to give, give and give. And I hope Allah SWT will give back that kindness be more and more. Through blogguebo I can visit this blog. Cheers Ismail
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16 years ago
Hi all at 2KM and 2KJ,Wow, what a great question, it rlleay got me thinking. I went to Rokewood Primary School, where the school had around 80 students in total. My class of about 18 students were all very close and rlleay loved learning together.My favorite subject in primary school was mathematics. We used to play a times tables race game, where the first to point at the correct answer would continue onto the next round. The winner was the last person standing.I also loved music, I played the recorder, and always dreamed of playing the flute. We would play our recorders at the concert we held at the end of every year. Music followed me into high school where I played the flute in concerts and solo performances.Keep up the great work everyone,Amanda
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16 years ago
Good to find an expert who knows what he's taniklg about!
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16 years ago
Hi 2KM and 2KJ,When I was at Primary school, I loved maths and craft. I love nuberms and how they work with each other. I have always loved craft and creating things. When I went to Secondary school I still loved maths, but I also found Chemistry and Physics intriguing. These subjects help you understand how matter in the world interacts and why things happen as they do, I like to understand how things work.I hope you guys enjoy learning about science as much as I did, you are really lucky to have a wide range of subjects you learn while you are in Primary school, it gives you a much broader knowledge base for when you get to the next level, Secondary school.Enough from me now. Have a great day.Best Wishes Catharina.
Bu leli, tanya donk
16 years ago
Bagaimana cara nya agar Guru saya yang sdh ke UK bisa gabung ke komunitas ini ?
Re: Bu leli, tanya donk
16 years ago
Pak Dede, Untuk yang langsung berkomentar, bisa langsung saja menuliskan komentar nya di forum. Untuk yang tertarik untuk mempunyai account di eLanguages, karena dia ingin membuat project dengan sekolah lain, maka dia harus mendaftar seperti Pak Dede mendaftar dulu, dengan mengisi form registrasi, dan kemudian di approve oleh admin. Semoga jawaban saya membantu. Salam, Leli
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16 years ago
Supriisrngly well-written and informative for a free online article.
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16 years ago
I think you've just captured the answer peertcfly
Re: Bu leli, tanya donk
16 years ago
memang kesulitan untuk mengajak ke forum ini. atas saran dan bantuannya sy ucapkan terima kasih. dede
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16 years ago
Hello 2KM & 2KJ,Well, Primary School for me was a long time ago and I can't rbemmeer much.However, I do rbemmeer I liked two things. The first one was arithmetic, which you probably call mathematics now. I liked doing sums and multiplication because it was easy to get them right. I also liked saying the times tables. We didn't have calculators or computers then, so we had to rbemmeer it all.The second one was singing. My music teacher put me in the nightingale group because she said I sounded good. When I grew older my voice changed and I am a terrible singer now. But I still enjoy music. It just goes to show that you don't have to be good at something to enjoy it.I hope when you grow older you will have many good memories of your time at Primary school.Enjoy your time at primary school.Granpa Bill
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16 years ago
Dear 2KM and 2JK,What a wonderful post and it rlaely got me thinking as you see school for me was a very long, long time ago.However in saying this I do remember I loved art and music. I could not wait for the week we did art.For I just loved to create and paint.As for music we it was more like we did singing as a whole class. Every Fridays we would pull out our singing books and sing. The songs would come over the PA in the classroom. Now that was so much fun as everyone in the whole classroom rlaely got right into the songs which were sung at the time.However I would love to be back school now as you are learning so much it is so wonderful. From your blogging friend,AA.
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Bu leli, Apa khabar ?
16 years ago
Kami dari Darunnajah jadi berangkat ke Keighley tanggal 13 maret dalam rangka pertukaran Guru.
16 years ago
banyak sekali pengalaman yang saya dapatkan di keighley UK. sayang ide dan projek yang saya buat kurang bisa saya sampaikan di sana, ya lagi lagi bahasa yang menjdai kendala. suasana disini sangat beda, sangat dingin dan perlu penyesuaian.
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16 years ago
Hello 2KM & 2KJ,When I was in Primary School, I loved English. I loved to read books and write my own stories.When I was in Grade 6, I went on a wiretr's camp, and it was so much fun. We met John Marsden, who is an Australian Author, and has written some fantastic books. He gave us lots of advice on writing.At the end of Grade 6, we had a wiretr's competition, and I won! I wrote a book about a porcupine.I still love reading, and I spend a lot of time getting books at the library. I try to pass my love of reading onto my children, and I think it's working Thanks for all your fantastic stories!From Jenelle(Connor's Mum)
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16 years ago
Dear 2KJ and 2KM,What a beautiful and inafimotrve blog your classes have. We are a 2nd Grade in Muscat, Oman. We are just starting our own blog, and would love for it to be like yours one day.In school, I (Mr. Mongardi) was good at maths, and so I enjoyed doing it. I like it when I do lots of thinking, and at the end of it, I get an answer that makes sense.We here in 2MM are looking forward to sharing our ideas and thoughts with all of you. Talk to you soon!Regards, Mr. Mongardi and the 2MM class.
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16 years ago
Hi there everyone,My faorivute subject at school was Horse studies.In horse studies we learnt alot about horses and got to go on camp with our horses.I loved going riding with all my friends.I also liked P.E at school, my teacher was alot of fun and didnt make us do alot of homework.My faorivute thing in P.E was running, i used to go running in the morning with my dad.We would run 6km before school and work every day.We had alot of fun training together.From Mel (bodhi's mum)
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16 years ago
for the comment! It's great to hear that you enjoy so many suejbcts at school. That shows me you really love to learn! When I was at primary school I loved literacy activities. My very favourite activity was story writing. I used to write stories all the time, both at school and at home. I also liked doing times tables in maths. I really loved school! See you tomorrow,Miss Jordan [url=]cqwmqqfu[/url] [link=]otddpfm[/link]
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persiapan ke UK
16 years ago
semoga tahun depan persiapan persiapan akan trip di uk seperti map, cellphone local, restourant terdekat, mesjid, dan lain lainnya dapat kita buat dalam video yang akan kami buat. terima kasih
life in keighley UK
16 years ago
Saya sangat berkesan hidup di keighley UK, masyarakat di sini sangat islami, bisa kita lihat setiap hari, selalu menyapa jika bertemu, dan lain lain. banyak sekali yang akan saya ceritakan..
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16 years ago
That's the smart thinikng we could all benefit from.
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16 years ago
Thank you for your comment I relaly enjoyed reading your comment. Music is my favourite subject too because I like when Mr Sriberly (our Music teacher)Art was my third favourite subject because I got sticky hands and it was to messy so I like art a little bit.My will tell you more what I like.I like…Music Reading and Writing I think I like them the best.Your blogging friend,Millie (2KM) [url=]fbjild[/url] [link=]dandfwsmr[/link]
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16 years ago
The grounds for QuotesChimp superinflation fluctuate, depending on whose view is being expressed. Request the insurance industry and it will carry on about selfish lawyers bringing frivolous law suits that the underwriters have to spend millions to defend. It will rail against unethical body shops that charge unconscionable fees to mend about the exorbitant prices of medical attention and damaged automobiles.
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16 years ago
Wow I feel like this was probably tough to edit (am I right?). This was ieinresttng to watch. I was wondering about his statement about having this be an opinion vs a statement from the group. Did he want you to put that in or is it really necessary? I feel that you could cut some time by not having that disclosure in (it also felt a bit awkward).I love his tie!
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16 years ago
Thikinng like that shows an expert's touch
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16 years ago
It needs slicing. Without that it is not posilbse to make it as wordpress template. PSD to HTML first and then HTML to WordPress. You can contact the experts in PSD to WordPress
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16 years ago
Thank you so much for giving evrnyoee sucha breathtaking chance to read articles and blogposts from this site. It's always so beneficial plus jam-packed with fun for me personally and my office fellow workers to visit the blog not less than three times in 7 days to read through the fresh issues you have. And lastly, I am certainly fascinated with your awesome suggestions served by you. Selected 2 points in this post are ultimately the most suitable I've had.
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16 years ago
I'm looking to loacte a web site that allows me to print coupons without having having to download software or something like that. Does anybody have any information on internet websites that provide out printable coupons for huggies diapers, infant wipes or child food? I've already tried and I am looking to find other internet sites now too. Please, if individual has any information, inform me!
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16 years ago
Thanks Auktweena,I have looked at buyprddess and marketpress but have not used them. Good to see WordPress spreading in Alaska.Cheers Joe Law
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16 years ago
would be the most suitable in my case and as you might have guesesd there's so many like online education for example. I need to look carefully at what could benefit me the most. Once I already know what I
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16 years ago
Such a deep anrwse! GD&RVVF
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16 years ago
That's an astute answer to a tricky quostien
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16 years ago
It's O.K. I woke up to my alarm clock telling me it's time to go work on the SCUBA dive boat Beach Hopper 2. I met a very nice colupe from Capitola who were on the last Bonaire trip and we exchanged some great stories about David and DeDe,what a great feeling to have those who cared about the Houghton family still around me every weekend. I feel blessed. I also felt a comfort from the dream that I didn't understand until today while working on the dive boat Escapade. They are here with us they will always be here with us
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16 years ago
Your are all in my thoughts. I don't know if it makes your heart feel any betetr, even for a moment, but the death of David and his family was a catalyst for me to be even more generous, loving, vibrant in my life. I'd rather they not be gone, of course, but I do feel David's energy coming through me as I give more and go for it more in my life. The world is still receiving his gifts, just through other's hands. I remember meeting David at the circus in scotts valley in 2001 or so. He introduced me to Dede for the first time and she had one of the boys, still a babe, in arms. He was beaming with pride and love to share his family with me, though there wasn't any selfishness in his energy. It was just pure-Davidness: look how great life is! how are you! joy! i love you! Dede was just sweet and beautiful and reminded me of princess diana.I walked away and felt so touched by his happiness and thought wow, he has it all. good for david! The most distant memory i have is of one of cathryn's birthday parties at college 5 and bringing home a goldfish as a the party favor. It was really fun and exotic to play up at the college the reveaux family was up there, too, around that time. it was either playing up there with you guys or the reveaux's that we came across a hippie couple making love in the grass field behind kresge. tee hee. i'm not sure we knew what they were doing. there's probably a parking lot now in that field.please hug your folks and sister and yourself for me.xoxoox
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16 years ago
Thank you so much for this artlcie, it saved me time!
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16 years ago
Hi Linds, I had a few more vivid memories of Dede, David, Luke an Ryan that I waetnd to share with you. Here they are, in no particular order Dede saying, Be a good listener, Ryan in her sweet voice as she left him for a play date with Zack at our house. Then when she picked him up, it was always where are your shoes? Go find your socks please. the socks were always scattered around our house or maybe wet, out in the yard!David saying, Zack is welcome at our house anytime! with his warm, broad smile.Luke saying, can we go now? because as mentioned above he often had to wait while we hunted for Ryan's socks!Ryan saying, Zacky do you want to play a talking game? Well I still hear them saying those things in my mind and remember them with much love. Their beautiful spirits still weave in and out among us.
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16 years ago
We'll miss them even more as we struggle tuohrgh the holidays, trying to find peace in the love for them that we all share. I have to say that finding the picture of the boys in this card, (taken on the front of a boat, where else?), where the message IS peace and love NOW makes me smile. I smile where a few short months ago a picture of them reduced me to tears. I'm happy that Linda could find the perfect way to express what these grand-kids have brought to HER LIFE the four of them over the past several years and now, what two of them have left to HER LIFE. Their happy faces, happy memories, and happy message TO US. This picture has to help mend our broken hearts, and at this special time of year as we remember.
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16 years ago
I read your poisntg and was jealous
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16 years ago
A psychiatrist is a phyiacsin who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. I have a bachelor’s degree in the social services field. For several years, I have worked with children who have been diagnosed with mental disorders. It is upsetting to see children victimize at an early age and even more disturbing to see them as predators as early as 5 years of age, however knowing that I am doing my part to assist them in becoming functioning youths and adults is rewarding. The empathy, confidentiality and maturity of a medical assistant are definitely needed in this area. I enjoy establishing a rapport with these clients and helping them to find adequate coping skills to deal with their disorders, therefore I would like to work for a psychiatrist.I would not like to work for an emergency phyiacsin for several reasons. I will explain a few. Patients who come to the emergency center typically have serious injuries or trauma. I would not like to have my mind constantly focused on who is coming thru the door and how sever the prognosis is. Knowing myself, I know that would be my focus and I would not be very productive. Also, in the emergency room the staff has to be prepared for anything, I would prefer an area that focuses on a particular specialty. Most importantly, I do not wish to see excessive amounts of blood loss on a regular basis. Actually, not even a minimal amount of blood loss on a regular basis. Giving my opinion and thoughts about this specialty, I would not be an effective employee. [url=]flmvafj[/url] [link=]hjwzmcafcvm[/link]
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16 years ago
Since there is so many fields of spltiaecies that I have a choice of, I still really can't choose one. So I am going base on my personal experiences. My original goal back in high school and maybe even before that, was to work in a Neonatal ICU! I had a brother that passed before he had his first birthday from heart complications, and that year I spent a lot of time at hospitals with my parents. My goal the first couple of years was to work with babies just like him. That was until I had my own children, I would of still loved to have worked in that career field but the heart ache I would most likely endure when one of those babies did not make it home. I could not have handled!On to more positive experiences, I have worked with the elderly and Geriatrics interests me very much. Being surrounded with people that have lived a fulfilled life is so much more rewarding. Even though at times it is the ending stages of their lives, and it is sad when someone does pass. It's less of a heartache to know that most of the time they are ready to move on. They are still very dependent on you and when you are able to help them with their needs that's the most rewarding of all, plus you form a special relationship with the patients and their families. [url=]nrrsrrwhan[/url] [link=]mmnalltixow[/link]
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16 years ago
Liability insurances are sold in states that have a fault Quotes Chimp of redressing harms caused by car accidents as nicely as in no-problem states, which change this facet of the car insurance (see Chapters 8 and 9).
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16 years ago
Satisfactory. The charges has to be enough to settle the QuotesChimp's hoped-for deficits from the revenue expenditure expenses along with promises. No condition insurance section may let any underwriter setting its simple prices therefore reduced regarding lead to its bankruptcy (notice Post 39).

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