Mentor homepage Lisa Taner
Discuss issues about the Mentor homepage Lisa Taner
Welcome Primary and Nursery teachers!
17 years ago
This is a forum where you can post any questions or queries you have
about the eLanguages mentoring service, or any question at all about
For example, how can I find a partner? How can I make my hello page
attract partners? Can I bring partners I already know into
eLanguages? I don't know how to add resources, can you help me?
possitive dispiline
17 years ago
How can i promote the possitive discipline approach in the primary
schools to my fellow teachers whom might feel that this system
creates more problems than possitive changes.
I will refer you to Chris Swift as the mentoring project is now
Re: Discipline
17 years ago
I have read up whereby laws are being changed to give teachers more
authority in the school sytem. It seems that teachers believe that
children are loosing respect because of so many laws in their favor