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>Edale School Projects Page

Edale School Projects Page


An area which Edale school can use as a hello page for the school, and where all the work the school is involved in can be brought together in one place.

Age range
4 - 11
Judy Skelton
Project stage
In progress
Last update
11 years ago
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Our Projects Page

This page will be used to showcase our school and to provide links to all the projects that we are involved with. At Edale Primary School, we learn French. We would love to meet children from other schools from around the world who also learn French, or Children from French speaking countries who are learning English. We are also keen to find out more about the world and what other countries are like and to make friends with children from around the world.

Pages to show individual pupil's work and part of a project to communicate with other children learning French.

Links to pages for French resources

Use these pages to practise your French at home or at school.

Links to pages of our work

An opportunity to revisit our own work.  

Pages about some of the topics that we have worked on

These pages will have links to songs, vocabulary, quizes and websites about the various topics that we have worked on.



Our work this year 

Our classroom / notre salle de classe

Here are some pictues of the infant classroom.  

Clothes work

This term we have been working on clothes and colours.  Here are some pictures that we have made.

We are revising work on dates and weather and will be trying out Quizlet in order to practise learning the vocabulary correctly.

Links to vocabulary on Quizlet : 


This year in French we have drawn our own portraits and written descriptions of ourselves.


Tu aimes les matières scolaires?

2010 - 2011

Our classes and our teachers.






Notre école


To write on the wall : click ‘post a sticky’

Pour écrire sur le tableau, choisis ‘post a sticky’


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