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eLanguages projects
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DCSF International School Award (ISA) online evidence portfolio
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<blockquote> Hi Diane and John This looks great! Can I make one or two suggestions? I wonder if we need to be more specific and direct teachers to include the essential information? i.e.- Please give a short description of each activity, explaining the aim, content and outcome of each activity. Also include the different curriculum subjects involved and the number and age of pupils engaged in each activity. Then provide some evidence of the work. You can for example include extracts from the school development plan and from schemes of work, photos, emails, newspaper cuttings, samples' of pupils work, teachers' reports, meeting notes, quotes from parents, partner schools or others that were involved. We suggest two or three pieces of evidence for each activity. Finally, include some evaluations from some of the people involved in each activity. Activity 1 JUST ADD SOME TEXT ABOUT ACTIVITY 1 HERE, THEN UPLOAD SOME EXAMPLES OF WORK AND/OR PHOTOS. _____________________________________ OR EVEN Activity 1 Name of activity: Name of teacher responsible and other staff involved: Different curriculum subjects involved: Number of pupils involved: Age of pupils: Very brief aim of activity: The content of the activity - what happened: The outcome of the activity - what was produced: Any partner schools involved: Evidence of outcomes - you can, for example, include extracts from the school development plan and from schemes of work, photos, emails, newspaper cuttings, samples' of pupils work, teachers' reports, meeting notes, quotes from parents, partner schools or others that were involved. We suggest two or three pieces of evidence for each activity. Finally, include no more than three evaluations from some of the people involved in each activity (pupils, teachers, parents or visitors) I think it is important that if schools want to submit online all applications need to be in the same format. This will help to speed up the adjudication process. Hope this is useful. Best wishes John Pinch </blockquote>
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