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>Knowing a New Environment

Knowing a New Environment


Knowing other countries environment helps us seek more knowledge, information and modern procedures and techniques on how to conserve our environment. It enables us also to see different places without going out of our school campus.

Age range
11 - 16
eLanguages Team
Project stage
In progress
Last update
14 years ago
5 stars
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What is 'Knowing a New Environment' Project?

Participating schools in this project are going to share information on how they maintain and preserve their environment. Ways and means on how to implement them will be of great help to our learners. They will be able to live in a clean and safe environment.

Stage 1

Activity presentations 1. Environment Club 2. Recycle Club

What we do -JNV Bhiwani


Stage 2

Group Work Presentation. Please upload documents/photos related to Stage 1 here.

November 19, 2010, Udomsuksa School in Bangkok Thailand celebrated their school LoyKrathong Day. The pictures shown in this page explain how the activity was done in the school. Students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 students participated in this activity. These pictures showed works done in each classroom that made the venue colorful and interesting and how students in the Environment and Recycle clubs presented the way they save and preserve their environment.

During the Loy Krathong Festival, the Environment and Recycle clubs decorated the school venue with their works during their club classes. They used recycled papers doing the decorations like the connecting chains and lanterns. Some Krathong and flowers they floated in the mini man-made pool were made from recycled papers.

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Collection of Club pictures 189.jpg
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Program of Activities

Participants from different schools can upload their activities in their school which are related to the topics specified in stage 1.

Best out of waste.gif

Stage 3

This is what we did in each club. Please upload images related to stage 2 here.

Thank you message,

To all participants of this project, Thank you very much for your contribution to this project. Schools who will be visiting this page will be informed of the different activities we do in our schools about maintaining the good condition of our environment. Do continue uploading your works to make our project successful. New participants are still welcome to join our project. Nice working with you, Sally

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