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Robert May's - some Christmas messages

'Dear friends

I would like to tell you about the story of Christmas. The angel Gabriel tells Mary that she is going to have God's son. Mary and her husband Joseph go to Bethlehem. In Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph cannot find a room for the night. They stay inside a stable with animals. Jesus is born in the stable and there is a big star above it. 

Shepherds  visit Jesus and bring a lamb after they are told of his birth by the Angel Gabriel.

Three kings also visit Jesus. They give him presents of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Christians celebrate Christmas and the birth of Jesus. They give presents to each other as the kings and shepherds gave gifts to Jesus. It is a time of peace.' 


'Dear friends

At the beginning of December we have advent calendars so you can count down the days until 25th December which is the day we celebrate Christmas.In the weeks leading up to Christmas, we put up a Christmas tree and decorate it. We also send Christmas cards to friends and family.

On Christmas Eve we put our stockings up by the fireplace and in the night Santa fills them with presents. We leave mince pies and brandy out for Santa and a carrot for Rudolph - he has a red nose and is one of the reindeers believed to lead the sleigh which carries Santa.

On Christmas Day we get together with our family and we give each other presents. For lunch we have turkey, brussel sprouts, carrots and roast potatoes. For pudding we have Christmas pudding which is made of fruit.  We also eat mince pies.

After Christmas Day we have a Bank Holiday called 'Boxing Day' which we also spend with family and friends.


Happy Christmas to you all

from everyone at Robert May's School'