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>Hampshire - Morocco

Hampshire - Morocco


A project space to support our school partnership. On this page we will be able to upload and share our Connecting Classrooms project work together.

Age range
Susan Marsh
Project stage
In progress
Last update
13 years ago
5 stars
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We had a wonderful weekend at the British Council Conference.


Our partner Ahmed Mouhy-dine then spent 4 days with us in Odiham and visited all our local primary schools.  Here is a photo taken with Odiham Parish Councillor, Mark Faulkner, and Sue Rafter, our headteacher

Ahmed Mouy-dine meets Mark Faulkner (Odiham Parish Councillor).jpg

The Hampshire Voice and Diary


This article appeared on the front page of January's edition and gives a full account of our Hampshire-Morocco project.

The Hampshire Voice front page article about our Hampshire-Morocco project

Adobe Acrobat filearticle.pdf 797.0 kB

folder iconRobert May's Secondary School

objects: 3
Our school
Pagetext Robert May's...
Link Robert May's website link
Image RMS logo.png 131.1 kB

folder iconGreenfields Junior School

objects: 2
Our school
Windows media video Christmas at Greenfields.wmv 18.5 MB
Link Greenfields Junior School website link

folder iconHook Junior School

objects: 3
Our school
Microsoft Word file Newsletter entry.doc 86.0 kB
Gallery Our Moroccan Trip
Link Hook Junior School website link

folder iconLong Sutton Church of England School

objects: 3
Our school
Microsoft PowerPoint Notre école.ppt 11.2 MB
Microsoft PowerPoint Par la fenêtre.ppt 9.8 MB
Link Long Sutton Church of England School website link

folder iconWhitewater Church of England School

objects: 1
Our school
Link Whitewater Church of England Primary School website link

folder iconOuzoud High School

objects: 0
Our School
This folder is empty.

folder iconSed Bin El Widane high school, Afourer

objects: 10
Our School
Folder clean up activity 5
Gallery Activities
Gallery Our school
Gallery religion
Gallery out of my window
Image schoolmap2.JPG 84.3 kB
Image schoolmap1.JPG 87.4 kB
Image afourermap3.JPG 114.3 kB
Image afourermap2.JPG 98.7 kB
Image morocco.JPG 114.2 kB

folder iconHassan II High School

objects: 1
Our school
Image 100_0933.JPG 98.0 kB

folder iconLycée Ahmed Alhansali

objects: 0
Our school
This folder is empty.

folder iconAlmansour Eddahbi junior high school_ Souk Sebt_ Morocco

objects: 10
This folder consists of images and videos about our school
Image The orange team.jpg 89.4 kB
Image The beet team.jpg 122.3 kB
Image Project.PNG 206.3 kB
Link the school area
Image AE Logo.JPG 29.9 kB
Link Almansour Eddahbi
Activity different crops in the region
Link Almansour Eddahbi on facebook
Folder Workshops with students 1
Gallery Almansour Eddahbi junior high school

folder iconAl Quods Junior High School

objects: 0
Our school
This folder is empty.

folder iconOued Eddahab Junior High School, Morocco

objects: 5
Our School
JPEG image Untitled-2.jpg 202.0 kB
Pagetext ...
Adobe Acrobat file IMG_0003.pdf 3.7 MB
Gallery Oued Eddahab photos
Gallery Connecting Classrooms Oued Eddahab

Moulay Rachid High School

folder iconAdditional projects

objects: 0
This folder is for any additional, non-agreed projects undertaken by schools.
This folder is empty.

folder iconSlideshow of Marrakech

objects: 1
Mp4 video Marrakech.mp4 8.4 MB

folder iconVisit to Al Quods Junior High School - Latifa El Khiam

objects: 2
Mp4 video Al Quods.mp4 7.4 MB
Image Picture 392.jpg 165.4 kB

folder iconVisit to Lycée Hassan II - M'Barek Akaddar_Mustapha Zanzoun

objects: 3
Forum Introductions
Mp4 video Lycee Hassan II.mp4 2.8 MB
Gallery M'Barek Akaddar_Mustapha Zanzoun

folder iconVisit to Collège Oued Dahab - Abdelhalim Ezzaim

objects: 2
Mp4 video Collège Oued Dahab.mp4 3.4 MB
Gallery Abdelhalim Ezzaim

folder iconVisit to Lycée Bir Anzarane - Hassan Mourabiti

objects: 2
Image Picture 504.jpg 174.3 kB
Mp4 video Lycée Bir Anzarane.mp4 3.3 MB

folder iconVisit to Al Mansour Eddahbi Junior High School - Abdelaziz Khardefi

objects: 2
Image Picture 541.jpg 118.7 kB
Mp4 video Al Mansour JHS.mp4 5.0 MB

folder iconVisit to Lycée Sad Bin Alwidane - Mohamed Moubarik

objects: 7
Image cco oct2011 027.JPG 260.2 kB
Image cco oct2011 025.JPG 228.2 kB
Image cco oct2011 024.JPG 230.5 kB
Image cco oct2011 023.JPG 258.8 kB
Image cco oct2011 009.JPG 147.2 kB
Image Picture 581.jpg 184.0 kB
Mp4 video Lycée Sad Bin Alwidane.mp4 3.7 MB

folder iconVisit to Lycée Ouzoud - Rachid Zahir

objects: 2
Mp4 video Lycée Ouzoud.mp4 3.5 MB
Gallery Rachid Zahir

folder iconVisit to El Honsali School - Miloud El Azzouzi Ahmed

objects: 1
Gallery Miloud El Azzouzi Ahmed

Religion - Christianity and Islam

Projects which will compare our 2 religions

folder iconChristmas

objects: 2
Here we will add information, pictures and presentations about the Christian festival of Christmas.
Windows media video Christmas at Greenfields.wmv 18.5 MB
Pagetext Robert May's -...

folder iconEid al-Adha

objects: 1
Information and projects about this Islamic religious festival will be uploaded here.
Folder Oued Eddahab Middle School 8
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Beni Mellal weather

Odiham weather

Beni-Mellal map

Odiham map

Other Media