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>J'adore manger!

J'adore manger!


A group of 12 year 9 pupils are going to complete a project in french all about food and cooking. They are going to give their opinions about foods and discuss healthy and unhealthy eating. They will also be putting together some of their favourite recipies as well as discussing some regional and national specialities. We would love to hear from some french speaking schools about the foods they eat and swap some of our recipies for our favourite foods and how to make them.

Age range
13 - 14
Charlotte Loasby
Project stage
In progress
Last update
17 years ago
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J'adore manger!

Our pupils have now written about what they usually eat in a day and they have also written some articles about healthy eating

Local specialities

Our pupils are going to cook some English specialities and we would like to read about local specialities from different regions of France. We will post some pictures of pupils creating their dishes

Microsoft PowerPointCUISINER.PPT 4.6 MB

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