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The Weather

Weather Watch Project 2009-2010- FlashMeeting with Kaye Forster

What is the weather like in your place?

folder iconWind inspirations

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The children in year 3-4 thought about the wind in very creative ways and wrote cloud and hurricane poems. In D&T we designed windmills using recycled materials.
Type Name Size Owner Updated
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folder iconYour weather work

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A space to share weather data from all around the world - photos, art work, video, drama, songs...
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Weather gallery
A space to show us what the weather is like in your area.

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On this weblink you will find work done and events ran by schools in Kent around the weather topic.
Our school joined in the 4 phases. During Operation Storm Warning, the year 3-4 classes turned the school hall into an emergency centre.
The children expressed their creativity in the form of poems,landscape collages and songs.
Children in Sequoia class learned to describe the weather in French and Spanish

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