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Football World Cup - 2010

Discuss issues about the Football World Cup - 2010

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Yes, we can!!!
16 years ago
Dear Jonathan: I really like the idea. So we´re trying to add the departments of Music (regional and typical dances and songs), Geography, Natural Science (plants and animals) Phisical Education to the project Our Summer Holidays start next week, but I have to work at school during July, so we can get in touch if you like. My Congratulations again for such a great idea.
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Re: Yes, we can!!!
16 years ago
Hi Angel Excellent - yes, the number of different departments that we can add to the project is limitless! I shall start posting resources on the site in December for you to use in your school to generate material with your classes. Until then, please advertise this around your school, let the students know that it is happening and stay in touch! I look forward to working with you on this project Best wishes Jonathan
South Hemisphere
16 years ago
Hi everybody, Here in Uruguay, South America, the school year finishes in December. Then, we have a three month summer-break and classes start again in March. I think in Argentina is the same, and there are three people, three schools, from Argentina participating in this project. I thought that maybe we can start working on this in September or October. I know the final draw is in December 4, but maybe while we know what countries are qualifying when can choose some countries. If we wait until December 4, we won’t be able to do anything until March 2010. What do you think? Best wishes, Mercedes
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Re: Southern Hemisphere
16 years ago
Hi Mercedes, We are planning to start just a couple of weeks before Dec 4th. Not only because Nov / Dec is exam time here in Argentina but also to use the ceremony as the starting point (we are even considering the posibility of watching it live, depending on timezones). Each class will know which country they'll work on when they come back in March 2010. We'll probably dedicate the second half of March, April and May to work on the diferent countries. I think this type of proyect allows each participant to adapt production or participation to the school's possibilities. Have a nice day. Gladys
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Re: South Hemisphere
16 years ago
Jonathan Peace
Hi Mercedes Good idea! Some countries have qualified already (Holland, North Korea, Australia, South Africa) and many more will by October. Yes, start in September or October. Let me know how you get on. Best wishes Jonathan
16 years ago
Hello, I'm the LOST teacher in e-languages yet! Well, I like the outcome, the draw! I only want to know how do we choose the country,do we have to wait until you asign us one? Or can we just choose one freely? Let me know! I agree with Mercedes, about the school classes period here in Argentina. I'll start on September or October.
Re: HELLO and YES!
16 years ago
Hi Maria You choose the countires, ideally one for each class that you have in the school. For example, we have 27 classes in the school, so each class will draw a country (at random) from the 32 countries taking part. This will be the country that they find out about from December to June. As I said to Mercedes, please feel free to start your project in September using the countries that have already qualified. Enjoy! Best wishes Jonathan
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Re: HELLO and YES!
16 years ago
Hi Jonathan, I can’t find your response. I received an e-mail stating there was one, but I cannot find it. Anyway, I still have to see how many groups from the school will be participating. The summer break in the middle makes it a little more difficult, so I would like to choose the groups that I think the break won’t be such an obstacle. So, we can choose any country that has already classified and we will let you know as soon as we do that, is that OK? All the best, Mercedes
16 years ago
Hi everybody, This is the first time I’m participating in a project like this, so you’ll have to forgive me if I ask some questions that are crystal clear for the rest of you. The school I work for is not a bilingual one, they only have English three hours a week, so only the students that want to stay extra hours will be participating. My idea is to check how many there are, they can make groups and then work together with a country. I was thinking about working in the computer lab, so they can prepare things that can be uploaded and so they can be shared with the other schools that are participating. Will it be possible to download what the other schools have done In order to include that in the final exhibition? I think that is very rewarding and motivating for the students, knowing they will be looking at what other kids have done and that what they have done will be exhibited in different parts of the world. What are your views? Best wished, MErcedes
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Re: Questions
16 years ago
Hi Mercedes The plan that you have is exactly right. The aim is for schools to upload their findings about other countries and also presentations about their own. My hope is that there will be lots of information for us to share with each other, whether it is photos, presentations, videos etc. We will then be able to download these and share them with our students :) We will be able to have a little bit of Uruguay in England and you will be able to have a little bit of England in Uruguay - that's what it's all about! Soon I will emailing everyone who has registered so far and giving them suggestions for how to start the project. This will help all those in the southern hemisphere looking to make an early start (September) :) Enjoy! Best wishes Jonathan
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Re: Questions
16 years ago
Hello Mercedes and Jonathan, You are both exactly right! This is an excellent eLanguages project becasue it will let you use and share resources made by students from around the world - it's what the website is all about. We'll be on hand to support you all with it, and hopefully invite more schools into the project. All the best, Chris, eLanguages team, British Council
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ok.. let's the flu go out and we'll start!
16 years ago
Maria Ines Noseda
Dear Mercedes, Chris and Jonathan: Ok, I read all and now everything is more clear. I'm going to participate with 2 schools,-AFTER THE FLU AND THE BREAK THE GOVERNMENT HAS ESTABLISHED- but they are not from Primary levels, so maybe the works will be a little different, ok? I trust in a creative souls youngs have! It's time to learn and know about Africa!! I'm the first learner I guess... A must: find the site of Wyne Viser, a genious!!! he's so motivating! I knew about him and his site in a course!! sEE YOU!
International School Award
16 years ago
Samantha Webster
Hi, My school has just been awarded the intermediate ISA. We are going to go for the full award and this is an excellent way for us to put a whole school initiative into place and we are a sports college. I can't wait to launch this idea in an assembly. Great idea! Count me in. Samantha
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Re: International School Award
16 years ago
Hi Samantha We are at the same level as you for the ISA at the moment, so this project really helps us get to the fullaward too! Maybe see you at the awards ceremony next October. Let's aim for that! Hope the assembly goes well - 4th December is when it all 'kicks off' Best wishes Jonathan
Whole school project
16 years ago
Hi, I am working in a small international school and all the year groups want to take part. This means we'll have Reception classes to Year 12 classes involved... Should be fun!
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Re: Whole school project
16 years ago
Hi Morgane Wow! What an age range! I'll be interested to see how this develops. Keep me posted. Thanks and best wishes Jonathan
16 years ago
Hello Jonathan. What a fantastic project. What is the first task. Sending some information about our country? Best wishes Maria
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Re: Information
16 years ago
Hi Maria The first key date is 4th December. This is the date of the World Cup draw in South Africa. On this date, you can have your own World Cup draw in school with each class in your school drawing the name of a country. This is when all the fun starts, because each class then conducts research about it's adopted country between December and June (some sample tasks are on the project home page) ending with an exhibition on 11th June (the date of the first match of the World Cup finals) when all the classes can show off the results of their research to each other. Hopefully we will have photos uploaded to the project page of all the other World Cup exhibitions taking place around the world! Can't wait! Hope this helps - looking forward to hearing from you. Best wishes Jonathan
An update on what we are doing
16 years ago
Hi Jonathan and everybody, As I told you, in the South Hemisphere we finish the school year in December, so we have already started with the project. These are the countries different groups of kids are working on: Argentina Brazil Chile England Germany Ghana Honduras Italy Paraguay South Africa Spain The Netherlands USA They have already started on finding some unusual facts about each country. And they are developing kind of an index of topics they want to cover for each country. We have brainstormed topics and they choosing from them Topics about countries that participate in the World Cup. • History. • Location. • Society/ Population/ Politics. • Traditions/ Customs/ Legends. • Economical activities. • Traditional food/ dishes. • Geographical features/ Location/ Surface/ Natural Resources. • Language. • Tourism: Attractions/ Places to visit/ Activities/ Events/ Monuments. • Weather/ Climate. • Famous people/ National Heroes. • Festivals and important dates. • National Sports. • Music. • Olympic medals/World Championships. • Environment. • Capital City. • Typical dances. • Map. They are very enthusiastic about this project and look forward to know something about what other kids are doing. I have already explained to them that most of them will be starting in December. Best wishes, Mercedes
Re: An update on what we are doing
16 years ago
This is precisely the idea Mercedes - well done! Remember to use the members of the project who are in schools in those countries as your points of contact. We have members in Germany, England, Spain, Ghana, South Africa and USA already and no doubt more to follow. Keep up the good work Hasta luego Jonathan
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Re: An update on what we are doing
16 years ago
HI John, Excellent. I should contact them. I haven't thought about that. Thanks, Mercedes
Re: An update on what we are doing
16 years ago
Hi John, Excellent. I should contact the people from those countries. I hadn't thought about that. Thank you very much. Mercedes PS: Just a detail, I'm from Uruguay, not Argentina
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Re: An update on what we are doing
16 years ago
Hi Mercedes Apologies - Uruguay, of course! I've changed it already. Best wishes Jonathan
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16 years ago
Hi everybody, We are very happy because Uruguay is going to South Africa after winning the play offs against Costa Rica. Best wishes, Mercedes
Some of the ideas!
16 years ago
Hello, Jonathan, Hello, everybody! I've been thinking to narrow up some topics, because I'm afraid we'll widen-up this excellent ideao TOO much! Will it be ok to start with the football itself. -Game rules (an essay, report, drawings, ...) -My favourite football player (drawinds, a short description, video...) -Stadium/ cheerleaders/ a cheerleader song of each country -how we cheer up our National football team (video?) - WHY I love football? ( debate, voting...hard to organise?) One thing I'm not very clear about;do we need to choose ONE countryNLY to work out with our group of pupils... Or...? Thanks! My best, Ksenija
File extension
16 years ago
Hi, I cannot open the Teacher Quiz sent by Catherine Andy. I don't know the extension .swf, what kind of software opens that? Thanks, Mercedes
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Re: File extension
16 years ago
Hi Mercedes I will find out for you. Jonathan
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Re: File extension
16 years ago
Dear All, To run the Teacher Quiz, you need to install Adobe Flash Player on your computer. This is a free download, and you can find it here. Click on "Agree and Install Now" and choose to Run the programme. Chris
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message from Karen Vince in Coventry, UK
16 years ago

We are trying to get schools from countries participating in the world cup to exchange postcards with us as school to school. It would be great to hear about culture in other countries. regards Karen

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From Leigh Carmichael in London, UK
16 years ago

Hi, we are a primary school:- Frith Manor (Barnet, London, UK) and we are launching a postcard initiative for the World Cup. We are currently building a database of schools represented in the World Cup who will be committed to receiving a postcard and then sending one back to us.

We will then make the 'draw' in assembly and each class will be paired with 2 countries / teams who are in the World Cup. Each pupil will send a postcard to a child in a school for their 'paired' country. We will ask questions about culture / customs etc as well as wishing them 'Good Luck' in the competition.

When we receive postcards back will will display on our Giant Map of the World.

If any primary school is interested in linking with us that would be great.

I have joined the World Cup project - which is great.
Please message me if you are interested in the postcard exchange -
Leigh Carmichael

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signup to the world cup 2010 project
16 years ago



I would like to signup to the world cup 2010 project my class is called class ash so if it would be possible to be logged in as classash that would be fabulous look forward to hearing from you


Katrina Halford


St Andrew's CE Primary School




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