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Antrim Grammar School _ Al Bassam School Year 2

Discuss issues about the Antrim Grammar School _ Al Bassam School Year 2

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16 years ago
Dear Colleagues Welcome to the E-languages site. I hope that you will be able to navigate your way around this site easily. If you have any difficulties, just ask. In order to get this project off the ground and running, I would like to encourage all of you to upload some material that you have already completed with your classes, by way of trying out how to upload onto the site and also of beginning the process of sharing. Best of luck and look forward to seeing your work uploaded. Damian
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Re: Welcome
16 years ago
Hi Damian, Just to let you know there is a guide to uploading in the digital toolbox and you can also email the elanguages team if you need any assistance. All the best Chris

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