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>Getting the technology right

eLanguages Project Toolkit

Section 4: Getting the technology right

Using ICT to build and run a collaborative project with partners around the world has never been easier. It is now possible to keep in constant touch, and upload and download sizeable documents with reasonable speed. To make your project work satisfactorily you must have a clear vision of the technology you wish to use, its availability, its likely availability in other countries, and the ease of using it.

Don’t forget also that you, your partners or pupils might need to learn how to use some software or hardware, such as camcorders. You must be confident that the necessary skills can be acquired. As with all ICT it is essential to have access to technical support which is reliable and will help you without too much delay.

If you are in doubt about any of these challenges, consider using software or hardware which presents fewer problems or risks. You may find that common applications such as Word, PowerPoint and the Internet are sufficient for your project. If that is the case, plan with that as your baseline and then investigate ways of raising the ICT levels, such as, including digital photos taken by pupils, or mp3 voice recordings made by pupils using Windows Sound Recorder or the free downloadable sound editor, Audacity.

Think about each question below before going to the Project Notepad where you can make very brief notes before committing ideas to the project page on eLanguages.


  • Which software and hardware will be used and what for?
  • Does your school have all you need?
  • Are partner schools likely to have the necessary software and hardware?
  • Will you let pupils use mobile phones for photos, video or voice recordings?

Technology for sharing

  • Will you use a forum on eLanguages for pupils to leave messages and share ideas?
  • Will you place pupils’ files for sharing on eLanguages?
  • Will you allow pupils to upload their own documents on eLanguages using password protected student folder?

ICT skills

  • Do you or your pupils have the necessary ICT skills to do the project?
  • What further ICT skills do you or your pupils need?
  • How will you ensure that you or your pupils gain the necessary ICT skills?
  • Have you considered alternatives?

Technical support needed

  • Is technical support available?
  • Will partners require similar levels of technical support?
  • Is the level of technical support required reasonable and fairly standard?
  • Do you have support question for eLanguages team: contact the eLanguages team.

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