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>Ceremonies and festivals

Ceremonies and festivals


Two primary classes work together on describing a ceremony or a festival and turning it into a PowerPoint presentation. The PowerPoint presentation contains scanned or downloaded pupils’ pictures and a soundtrack in both languages. The final presentation is then published on the Internet. To make the experience more real, pupils also produce festivals-related objects, present them on stage and organise an exhibition about the project.

Age range
10 - 14
Diana Antonova
Project stage
In progress
Last update
16 years ago
2 stars
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1. Objectives

- Pupils learn to work together on an ICT-based project with their counterparts from abroad - Teachers learn to integrate ICT-based projects at primary level - Parents get involved in making festival-related objects and preparing the play and exhibition.

2. Process

i. Getting started - Two classes from two different countries gather information about their festivals and ceremonies - In each class, the children read and discuss the info they know in their mother tongue; - The pupils in each class establish the scenes to be illustrated and divide the work; - Pupils use various techniques to design/draw the scenes. ii. Exchanging information and learning from each other: - The pictures are photographed and scanned. Then, the classes exchange and print them. They organise an exhibition in their schools; - The digital pictures made by pupils in both classes are put together in a PowerPoint presentation; - Each class creates an audio track for the PowerPoint presentation version of the festival in their mother tongue; - Both classes listen to the description in their partners' language and compare the two languages

3. Outcome

- The final PowerPoint presentation is published on the Internet (for example, on school websites or in the public “TwinSpace”)

4. Follow-up options

- More work on foreign languages can be done. Pupils may look for the same, similar or different words. They may also compare the language similarities or differences; - Partners decide on objects to produce. They should be related to the theme. - The festival is put on stage. The children perform it for their parents and other children from the school; - The project outcomes may be exhibited and presented to the local community; - Every child gets a CD with the festival and pictures from the project; - The project outcomes are shared with the press and at conferences for teachers.

Information about ceremonies and festivals

Here is some work done by the students

Microsoft Word filezeynep.doc 70.5 kB
Microsoft Word fileyekta baki.doc 158.0 kB
Microsoft PowerPointburakhan.ppt 182.0 kB
Microsoft Word filebestegül.doc 151.5 kB
Microsoft Word filechr. 133.5 kB
Microsoft PowerPointMesir Festival 717.0 kB

folder iconxmas cards

objects: 2
Christmas cards that students did for charity and to greet their Turkish friends.
Type Name Size Owner Updated
Image PC170104.jpg 193.2 kB Diana Antonova 18-12-2008
Image PC150026.JPG 125.5 kB Diana Antonova 21-12-2008

forum iconUser forum

messages: 6 | pending: 0

What do you think??

Let's write students' and teachers' opinion here.

16 years ago
What about creating a new e-festival with our students??
Re: IBF?
16 years ago
Hi Sibel and Diana, Are you looking for any more partners for this project? Chris
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Re: IBF?
16 years ago
Hi Chris, We'd love to have new partners in this project of course... I am happy that you like the project. Best wishes sibel
Re: IBF?
16 years ago
What about creating a new e-festival with our students??
for example : Don't worry, be happy Day... (Tiny pieces of happiness can change your day...)
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Re: IBF?
16 years ago
Dear Sibel and Diana, Your project is coming along nicely. If you don't mind, I have changed some thins around. The pictures are now in a nice gallery that you can add to without taking up a lot of room. Also, I arranged the aims and outcomes into neater section at the top, and moved this discussion forum to the bottom of the page. Previously, on the right hand side of the page, it would have taken up too much room Chris
[ ]
16 years ago

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