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>Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint


School energy survey

Age range
13 - 16
Mark Barlow
Project stage
In progress
Last update
12 years ago
4 stars
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We would like you to take a reading of your school’s electricity meter at the start and end of the week prior to launching your Carbon Footprint Awareness Week. This will give you an idea of the number of units of electricity your school uses in a typical week.

During this week you will need to walk round your school between 10.00a.m to 11.00a.m and carry out the survey. It is important that all the schools doing this survey carry it between these times to give a fair comparison.

You will then need to launch your Carbon Footprint Awareness Week promoting as many energy saving ideas as you can (based on some of your findings in your energy survey). Take the electricity meter reading at the beginning of this week and at the end of the week, once again between 10.00a.m and 11.00a.m.

Compare the two readings, work out how many units of electricity you have managed to save, and if you can work out the cost of these units and there contribution to your school’s carbon footprint(I will try and find a formula to help you do this) 

Once you have carried out your surveys and Awareness Week you will need to publish your results on your school website and email each of the participating schools with your results so that comparisons can be made. It would also be great if we could email each other with any great ideas each school has to reduce their electricity usage. Discuss this project and share your ideas here

Get pupils' classes in school to work out their carbon footprint using the carbon footprint link:

This project leads towards: Earth Day on 27th March Schools Low Carbon Day on 24th June

Step 1: compare our schools

I have now uploaded some photgraphs of our school for you to have a look at and compare it to your schools.  We would be very interested to see some photgraphs of your school too.  Please remember to add your school name & location to the pictures so that we know who has added them

Our Earth.jpg
Poster designed using Automotivator-JNV Bhiwani

folder iconResources JNV Bhiwani

objects: 3
Microsoft PowerPoint Reducing Carbon Footprint- A Health Perspective.ppt 175.0 kB
Microsoft PowerPoint Five Ways to Save The Planet.ppt 65.5 kB
Microsoft PowerPoint How to go Green at home.ppt 65.5 kB

What we do?

Microsoft PowerPointCarbon Cycle.ppt 346.0 kB

Save our Earth

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