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>A Day In My Life 1

A Day In My Life 1


This British-Council-run project is one of eight in which a Malawian teacher and class work with counterparts in the UK to explore the theme of a typical day in the life of young people in their countries.

Age range
10 - 18
Andrew Nhlane
Project stage
In progress
Last update
18 years ago
5 stars
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In this project students from Bambino High School and OldHill Primary school will outline activities that they do during their normal school days by using word documents. This will initially involve students of 10-11 years. They will tell each other stories and games that they share during their laisure time eg at tea break or lunch time. They will use resources like video clips, power point presentation and photo gallery on some activities they do during their learning time or free time at school.

folder iconMY SPECIAL DAY

objects: 7
powerpoint files OUR FAVORITE DAY CHIPI AND MASO.ppt 167.0 kB
powerpoint files FLORENCE THOMASINA AND BERTHA.ppt 246.0 kB
powerpoint files MERCY KADENKHU.ppt 78.0 kB
powerpoint files BRENDA GUNDE.ppt 171.0 kB
powerpoint files madalitso chipekwe.ppt 85.0 kB
powerpoint files judith joseph.ppt 93.5 kB
powerpoint files A SATURDAY OF joseph.ppt 243.5 kB

folder iconIntroduction to the children in Old Hill Primary School

objects: 10
Here the children explain a little about them selves and their lives in England.
Microsoft PowerPoint All about my life terri.ppt 225.0 kB
Microsoft PowerPoint All about my life.ppt 563.5 kB
Microsoft PowerPoint malawi.ppt 539.5 kB
Microsoft PowerPoint a day in my life.ppt 786.0 kB
Microsoft PowerPoint About me.ppt 306.0 kB
Microsoft PowerPoint All about my life malowi.ppt 197.5 kB
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation1.ppt 246.5 kB
Microsoft PowerPoint all about my life.ppt 208.0 kB
Microsoft PowerPoint my life.ppt 260.0 kB
Microsoft PowerPoint Amy.ppt 243.0 kB

folder iconTypical school routines

objects: 3
Some pieces of writing the children have completed about their typical school day
Microsoft Word file terri and kira school.doc 186.0 kB
Mimetype not recognised jennie.doc 34.5 kB
Folder Typical school routines 9

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