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>The Holt School - ISA Portfolio

The Holt School - ISA Portfolio


Online portfolio of evidence to support our International School Award 2008 application.

Age range
20 - 60
Diane Layug
Project stage
Last update
16 years ago
5 stars
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Activity 1 - European Day
Activity 2 - The year of China
Activity 3 - Festival of Language
Activity 4 - Technology Day
Activity 5 - Comenius
Activity 6 - Bastille Day
Activity 7 - Uganda
Activity 8 - Ashram, India
Activity 9 - Spanish Exchange
Activity 10 - CLILL
Activity 11 - Aladin
Activity 12 - La Martinique
Activity 13 - Afghan connection
Activity 14 - Humanities Slavery

International Policy

The impact of Language College specialism and the wide range of international activities in school was praised in our recent OFSTED inspection, and no doubt helped us achieve an Outstanding in the main school.

folder iconOther activities undertaken in school

objects: 7
Different projects undertaken in school, including copies of newsletters
Gallery Photographs
Microsoft Word file Sponsporship of 2 children abroad.doc 24.0 kB
Microsoft Word file Spring newsletter 2008 page 2 551.0 kB
Microsoft Word file Spring newsletter 2008 405.0 kB
Link link to page for newsletters
Image year 12 economics.jpg 109.5 kB
Microsoft Word file Economics project 41.5 kB

International Coordinator

Here you will find the job description for the International Coordinator, as well as for the International Prefect. There are also copies of assemblies delivered and training undertaken, as well as a link to the Holt school website Links with schools abroad page.

Completed activity summary sheet

This is a summary of the activities your school has done. If you have chosen to use the excel template, download it here (right click and save it), fill it in and upload it by clicking 'Add' as before.

Activities One to Seven

You should present your international activities in the same order as they are presented in your completed summary activity sheet. Each one needs to be numbered and headed up with a 'Project stage' heading (green). You can use a template, downloadable below (right click and save) fill this in and upload it for EACH activity. Or you can present the information required directly using 'Add', 'Text'. Next upload your evidence. We suggest two or three pieces of evidence, but you may prefer to collate evidence into one webpage or microsite. You can upload photos, photo galleries (with captions), Word files, PowerPoints, or scans of classwork (images). You can also create a very simple webpage of text and images. You may also link to an external site or a page of your school website etc. Finally you need evaluations from the people who took part in the activity. You should include a brief evaluation of how successful the activity was. You should keep your evaluation 'light touch'. You only need to submit a minimum of one teacher and one pupil evaluation, although you can submit evaluations from other parties involved. You may feel that some of your completed activities were not particularly successful and that you would not repeat them in the future. In this case tell us what you learned as this may strengthen your application. We value this feedback. Note that this template is optional, but the information is required either on this form or as text. If you use it you will need seven copies, one for each activity.

Activity 1 - European Day

A full week of activities to celebrate the European Day of Language in September 2007. This day is celebrated each year at The Holt, and continues to evolve to involve more teachers, students and more languages across the school. The plans for September 2008 are attached, as this event looks to be even better next year.

Activity 2 - The year of China

2008 is the year of China at The Holt, as we welcome 4 different groups of teachers from China into our school, we finally get pupils some epals in China and forge links with a school in Xi'an, and we get the go-ahead for the first ever pupil visit to China in 2009. The crowning glory of this years' activities is a week long celebration of all things Chinese, culminating in Sports Day with the theme of the Beijing Olympics, complete with dragons, chopsticks and calligraphy. In addition, the year 8 homework timetable was collapsed in the second half of the summer term, and all pupils took part in a cross curricular project based around the Beijing Olympics.

Activity 3 - Festival of Language

The annual Festival of Language is an example to us all of how an international event bringing children together should be. Joining 150 pupils from 6 of our feeder schools, and involving the local community as well as pupils and teachers from The Holt it is an inspiring and truly international event.

Activity 4 - Technology Day

Technology Day is a project run by the Technology Faculty with year 9 each year in January. This year the students worked on the theme of Carnival, celebrating ethnic diveristy in the UK. The outcome was a spectacular display of fashion, food and fun!

Activity 5 - Comenius

The Holt has been involved with Comenius Projects since 2000, and we are currently enjoying our collaboration with schools in Italy, Bulgaria and France on the project called Terr@ Nostra, Vit@ Nostra. Comenius is a great way for pupils to interact with and meet young people from other countries.

Activity 6 - Bastille Day

Each year The Holt thinks up brighter and better ways to help our year 7 pupils celebrate Bastille day. Le quatorze juillet chez nous has evolved from a simple French picnic on the sports field, wearing bleu, blanc et rouge, to a truly cross curricular project where teachers from other subjects even dare to speak a little French teaching their subject with a French slant for the day!

Activity 7 - Uganda

Our collaboration with a school in Uganda has shown pupils that schools in developing countries don't just want aid from us; they are keen to share work with us, and we have found we can learn from them too. Our most revealing discoveries come from comparing and contrasting our daily routines and home lives.

Activity 8 - Laxhmi Ashram, India

The Holt's connection with the Laxhmi Ashram in India goes back to 2004. Since then the girls at the Ashram have had various setbacks such as lack of telephone wires, fires and floods, but we are still hopeful we can communicate with them again soon.

Activity 9 - Spanish Exchange

The Spanish Exchange is in its 5th year, with the 6th annual visit to Cartagena in the pipeline for March 2009. This hugely successful programme has achieved its aim, which was to foster friendships between Spanish and English pupils which would continue after the school-organised trips. Thanks to budget airlines and the attraction of the mediterranean coast to the Holt students, and the attraction of pretty girls, shopping, Thorpe Park and London to the Spanish students, they are visiting each others houses in increasing numbers. Who knows what may happen in the future?

Activity 10 - CLILL project

The CLIL project was piloted in September 2007 with a small unit of work on Japan, delivered in Spanish. The idea is to enhance the students' learning of the subject and the language, by teaching another subject in the foreign language, which becomes merely the method of communication; the means, not the end. By 2012 each department will be taking part in a CLIL project. Planning is already underway.

Activity 11 - Aladdin

In December 2007 the Arts faculty presented a truly international and cross curricular production of Aladdin. Most departments in the school joined in the spirit and put on some kind of Arabian nights themed activity, be it counting in arabic in maths, cooking middle eastern food in Food technology (and delicious traditional arab sweets which were on sale during the performance intervals), Geography studying the area.... The Arts faculty, which comprises drama, dance, music and art coordinated, trained and rehearsed together over 150 performers, aided by the technology faculty which produced amazing costumes and sets. The production also featured in a Korean Educational magazine, in an article written by one of our Maths teachers, Mrs Leung, about the use of creative and performing arts in schools in England

folder iconAladin

objects: 4
Microsoft Word file aladdin in korean.doc 559.5 kB
Microsoft Word file aladdin newsletter.doc 660.0 kB
Gallery Aladin the show
Microsoft Word file activity 11 - Aladdin.doc 45.5 kB

Activity 12 - La Martinique

Through the SSAT The Holt was twinned with Lycee Jacques Zobel in La Martinique in January 2008. Poor communication has led to frustrations, but we hope to build relationships across departments and eventually build up to a full exchange. Also see the Science DIP above.

Activity 13 - Afghan Connection

Afghan Connection. Through our connection with Dr Sara Fane, a director of the charity Afghan connection, we have had a relationship with the school in Afghanistan for over 5 years. During that time we have seen the girls' school fortunes change, but they continue to be in touch with us, and continue to look forward to receiving small gifts from girls at the Holt, such as hair ties and skipping ropes. The most recent contact was a video conferencing session in October 2007. In July 2008 2 sixth formers went to a special lunch hosted by the charity, to discuss the partnership between the schools

Activity 14 - Humanities Slavery project

Each year the Humanities Faculty and Music study the Human slave trade from a number of angles. Pupils from year 9 cover the human, historical, geographical and moral aspects of the slave trade, both the black slave trade of previous centuries as well as issues of child slave labour today. In music lessons year 9 learn and compose their own African drumming rhythms. The terms study culminates in a moving and very special assembly which pupils write and present themselves, which also features a visiting African drumming group. This is a cross curricular International project with a very strong message which impacts deeply on year 9 students.

Future Plans

Future Plans

folder iconFuture Plans

objects: 2
What we intend to do next
Microsoft Word file where to next? 34.5 kB
Link Ofsted Inspection Report

Supplementary Activities and Future Plans

You can include activities that were not part of your original plans. Unexpected opportunities may arise in the course of the year. This will help in providing a fuller picture of the international work undertaken during the year. Please finish with a brief outline of your future plans. This will count towards the assessment as the adjudication panel are interested in how the international dimension aims to be further developed and celebrated across your school. Your portfolio of evidence will be presented to the ISA adjudication panel at the end of July 2008. If your portfolio is approved, you will be awarded the ISA and accredited for three years (September 2008- August 2011). Good luck with your international work!

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